As a Non Profit Label we focus on the support of new extraordinary talented artists. Many Artists deliver great and extraordinary  music  but struggle in parts of technical issues like the Mixdown or maybe arrangement and song progression. Often those unfinished songs could be Gems, but many labels decline those unpolished Gems. If an Artist needs help, we help him to finish his work as best we can.

We know, not everybody is a Top Mixing Engineer or has the big Budget for a major Recording or Production Session. So if it is required we give a hand to polish and finish the Artists work. Beside that we are also involved in the Sophisticated Culture Foundations “Artist Funding” and „Artist Development & Support“ Projects.

Since 2022 we are a Division of the Sophisticated Culture Foundation, a Non Profit Organization that is  internationally supporting Music-Artists and the creation of sophisticated Music, Arts & Culture

All of our net income, after deduction of necessary costs and expenses, goes to the charitable work of the Sophisticated Culture Foundation. In other words, everytime you stream or purchase music from our label you donate with the benefit of the music.

As a department of the SCF, we as a label benefit from an extensive marketing budget, which is sponsored by Google. Microsoft provides us with DevOps infrastructure and with Adobe or Sessionwire we use the latest creative tools for our work.

Thanks to SCF’s in-house publishing, artist management and PR, we can offer our artists the full coverage of a modern major label. In addition, we will also integrate Web3 technologies and also spread music and art in the blockchain. In doing so, we are breaking new ground and positioning ourselves today as a future indie major label of tomorrow.

Click on the SCF Logo to visit the Website of our Foundation to learn more about our work or just click here.

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